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Sadiq Garh Palace in Bahawalpur: Beauty of Royal Castle

Sadiq Garh Palace in Bahawalpur: Mesmerizing Beauty of Royal Castle in Ruins

The Sadiq Garh Palace in Bahawalpur once celebrated the extravagance of one the most prosperous royal states in

the subcontinent. In any case, it has now turned into an unfortunate sign of lost history and outrageous disregard.

Barely a hundred years after it was developed, this verifiable castle in Pakistan has been decreased to an image of devastation.

Had it not been for the blurring paint, missing tiles, disintegrating walls, and broken glass windows, this regal castle

might have been a significant vacation destination in Bahawalpur.

Nobody has lived in Sadiq Garh Castle for north than twenty years. This memorable white castle is for all time

shut for the overall population, as it has for quite some time been at the focal point of a fight in court including the relatives

of the imperial group of Bahawalpur.

Notwithstanding, guests are normally permitted to go up to the principal royal residence entryways and take pictures

in the front nursery.

History of Sadiq Garh Royal Castle:

Sadiq Garh Palace
Sadiq Garh Palace

The then-leader of Bahawalpur, Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan (V), developed this castle as his foremost illustrious

home back in 1882. The royal residence complex spreads across many sections of land.

Gurdwara Nankana Sahib: Janam Asthan of Baba Guru Nanak

It is situated in Dera Nawab Sahab close to Ahmedpur East, a tranquil town that once filled in as a home to

an illustrious family. The construction is said to have been planned by Italian modelers and cost around 1.5

million rupees at that point. It required just about 10 years to build it.

Despite its weakening condition, it’s not hard to envision how wonderful the white royal residence of Bahawalpur

probably appeared during its brilliance days when the nawab used to hold his ‘darbar’ in the huge court and unfamiliar

dignitaries feasted in the fantastic eating lobby.

As a matter of fact, records propose Emissary of India Ruler Mountbatten, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah,

and Shah Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi were among the unmistakable pioneers who once remained at this castle as the

visitors of the nawab.

Architecture of Sadiq Garh Palace:

Sadiq Garh Palace


The grand complex of Sadiq Garh Castle incorporates four primary structures and immense yet completely

even gardens. The whole complicated is braced by a colossal wall with strongholds and curved doorways.

While certain distributions guarantee the royal residence contains 99 rooms, others contend the all-out number is

somewhere near 120, with each room enhanced in a special topic. Regardless of being planned during the 1800s,

the royal residence flaunted a cutting-edge plan.

Things being what they are, all rooms had an extensive stroll in wardrobes and appended washrooms with

gigantic baths. It is additionally one of the greatest imperial royal residences in Bahawalpur.

The fundamental royal residence building has three stories. The inside of Sadiq Garh Castle incorporated an

excessive assembly hall, a Turkish corridor, fabulous lounge areas, gathering rooms, kitchens, women’s collection

of mistresses, and in particular, a real privileged position for the Nawab of Bahawalpur that is as yet present in the primary lobby.

In the interim, the outside of Sadiq Garh Castle comprises of unadulterated white marble with wonderful carvings.

The principal building has one huge vault in the middle. It is flanked by two more modest vaults on its sides

alongside high-angled entryways and windows.

The castle complex likewise has a state secretariat building and a mosque. It likewise has a different structure

that houses a film and a rec center. As per a few reports, the complex likewise used to have ordnance, a little

arms production line, a water filtration plant, and an auto studio.

Notwithstanding, it is vital to specify that Sadiq Garh’s Royal residence is as yet viewed as a compositional wonder.

This vacation destination in Bahawalpur is an amazing illustration of craftsmanship, as it immaculately mixed plans

from both the East and the West.

The charming gold roofs, tall points of support with gold trims, sufficiently bright lobbies, and immense crystal fixtures

gifted by Sovereign Victoria of Britain might humiliate some Ottoman-time royal residences.

While the illustrious castle of Bahawalpur might help some to remember stupendous early English estates, the

rich Mughal-style mosque in the vicinity with enormous vaults and minarets is a fine illustration of South Asian design.

This striking castle stayed in the possession of the illustrious family for a very long time. It likewise has two rare lifts

alongside a gigantic leaving region that once housed the vehicles utilized by Nawab of Bahawalpur. Throughout the

long term, the vehicles were either taken by the main beneficiaries of the illustrious family or were unloaded.

Also, the fronts of the Heavenly Kaaba (Ghilaf-e-Kaaba) were once shown in the great court. Nonetheless, they were

either taken by a family member or taken by hoodlums, similar to all the other things in the Sadiq Garh Royal residence.

Overview of Bahawalpur

Sadiq Garh Palace

Practically all the furnishings, weapons, legacies, ceiling fixtures, artistic creations, and different resources are gone

from the Sadiq Garh Royal residence, leaving it barren and void. The kitchens on the left half of the royal

residence have nothing left. In the interim, the tremendous lounge areas and lobbies look nearly spooky because

of their stained walls and broken floors.

The nurseries outside the castle used to be in a generally better condition as of recently. Be that as it may, they presently

look unkempt as the messed up light posts and rusted metal walls feature carelessness and absence of support.

Many years prior, after Bahawalpur State converged into Pakistan, Nawab of Bahawalpur all’s castles were taken

over by the public authority. Almost 40 years after the fact, the High Court requested to isolate a portion of the

resources – including Sadiq Garh’s Royal residence – among 23 main beneficiaries.

Sadiq Garh Castle isn’t the main memorable royal residence to have experienced such destruction. The once-superb

Derawar Post in Bahawalpur is as of now in ruins too. Luckily, the beautiful Noor Mahal and the very much-safeguarded

Darbar Mahal has fared well in the examination.

The grand Darbar Mahal, which was developed in 1905, isn’t open for general guests. That is because it holds workplaces

for the Pakistan Military. Be that as it may, the staggering Noor Mahal has now become one of the principal vacation

destinations in Bahawalpur.

Noor Mahal was worked in 1872 by Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi (IV). He was additionally alluded to

as Shah Jahan of Bahawalpur for his advantage in developing wonderful structures. At that point, the development

of the royal residence cost around 1.2 million rupees. It was named after the Nawab’s better half, Noor.

In 2001, the Public authority of Pakistan’s Branch of Prehistoric Studies pronounced this Italian-style castle a ‘safeguarded

landmark’ and opened it to the overall population. In the meantime, Sadiq Garh’s Royal residence stays deserted and needs

earnest remodeling and fixes.

Nonetheless, assuming you love investigating authentic spots, you should incorporate these UNESCO World Legacy

Locales in Pakistan into your movement list of must-dos.

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