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Why are Khewra Mines a well known vacationer destination?

Khewra Mines is a well-known vacation destination.

The Khewra Salt Mine is situated in the city of Khewra, close to Pind Dadan Khan, Punjab. Found in 320 BC

by the soldiers of Alexander the Incomparable while they were resting close by, the mines started business creation

during the Mughal rule. The Pakistan Mineral Advancement Partnership (PMDC) has managed the mine after the parcel

of the Indian sub-mainland.

Forgotten History and Architect of Chajju De Chaubare Lahore


Drawing in a great many guests yearly, the Khewra Mines has turned into a famous traveler objective for local people

and outsiders the same. The fundamental passage of the mine was created by an English mining engineer, Dr. H. Warth,

in 1872, and this is additionally the spot generally visited by guests.

Khewra Mines
Khewra Mines


While it is the second biggest salt mine on the planet and the biggest save of palatable salt in Pakistan, you may be

asking why it’s well known as a traveler objective.

One look inside the mine is everything necessary to respond to the inquiry, yet assuming you want the inspiration to

design your visit, there’s a ton that can be investigated here. The Khewra Mines comprise more than 40 kilometers of

passages and 19 levels, with 7 above and 12 beneath the ground.

Need to know more? This is what the future holds for you once you enter the Khewra Salt Mines:


Khewra Mines
Khewra Mines

Indeed, truth be told. To ride a mining train, your desire can work out here. The electric train that runs from the entry

of the mine to the fundamental lobby is supposed to be from the 1930s when mining initially started at Khewra.

It is in wonderful working condition, however, and for each ticket is charged to travel. A gathering of 12 people

or more can pay per trip as opposed to per head for the ride. You can likewise enter the mine by walking if you have any

desire to investigate it at your speed.

THE Get-together Corridor

The train ride closes in a 75-meter-high gathering corridor that is the focal cave for the mine. The wide breadth of the

room frequently leaves individuals in amazement. There is likewise a characteristic cutting in the wall here that looks

like Allama Iqbal.


Khewra Mines
Khewra Mines

After expressing farewell to the train, the principal thing you’ll presumably focus on is the Badshahi Mosque

worked inside the focal chamber. What’s one of a kind about the mosque is that it is made totally of rock salt, with salt

blocks of changing varieties.

As the dig is popular for having salt stores of white, pink, and red salt, you can envision the wonder that this design is,

particularly when it is enlightened by lights concealed in breaks along the walls. The mosque even has two minarets

cut out of rock salt.

Small-scale Copies OF Widely Popular Landmarks

On the off chance that you think the mosque was terrific, the following couple of sights will dazzle you like nothing else.

The primary passage is likewise home to small-scale copies of renowned landmarks assembled and cut altogether from rock salt.

Among these are ‘The Incomparable Mass of China as well as Pakistan’s own ‘Minar-e-Pakistan,’ the ‘Shimla Slope of Lahore,’

and the ‘Shopping Center Street of Murree.’ Every one of these landmarks has likewise been illuminated splendidly to build the

magnificence of the multi-shaded salt.

THE Mail center

The Khewra Salt Mine is likewise home to the main mailing station on the planet assembled completely from salt blocks.

It is a completely practical mail center utilized mostly by excavators.

SALT Wellspring

While no salt streams out of this wellspring, it is named so in light of the regular shape this salt development

has assumed control throughout the long term, making it seem to be a streaming drinking fountain.

SALT Lakes

Assuming you are familiar with the Dead Ocean and how it is pungent to such an extent that everything simply drifts,

you can comprehend what the lakes found inside the Khewra Mines are like. Even though no one is permitted to

utilize them, there are a few lakes of saltwater situated inside the mines. Spans have been worked over the lakes to assist

you with crossing.

SALT Scaffold

Otherwise called Pul Sara, this is a restricted 25-foot-long extension that works north of a 100-foot-profound lake of salt water.

What’s interesting about this extension is that it is made totally of salt and uses no segments or points of support for help.


Khewra Mines


A passage inside the mines is known as the Royal Residence of Mirrors or Sheesh Mahal, not because it contains the landmark

of a castle but because the salt top of the passage sparkles like mirrors in the faint lighting. The passage can be investigated as a

component of the directed visit.


The regular properties of rock salt adjust the air inside the mines, and the subsequent climate is supposed to be gainful

for individuals experiencing respiratory sicknesses. In this manner, an Asthma Resort has been set up profoundly

underground by the PMDC, which has been drawing in patients from everywhere in the world.

The banquet room of the retreat contains a wellspring, couches, and a TV, giving inviting energy. The actual facility

comprises 12 beds, set up in 6 lodges produced using salt blocks. The whole region is lit delicately with lights while

fans give ventilation to keep up with the ‘miniature environment’ said to be helpful for patients.



On the off chance that you’ve previously begun arranging your excursion to the mines, how to arrive should be your next

question. Khewra is a 3-hour drive from Lahore through the M-2 Lahore to Islamabad Motorway.

It is a drive of 2.5 hours using a similar course from Islamabad. The railroad station at Khewra is likewise

functional with unique trains from Lahore and Rawalpindi running at normal spans.

Voyaging TIPS

  • Since you’re arranging your visit, it is vital to take note that the mine is open every day, even on open occasions and Sundays between 9 am and 6 pm.
  • Insignificant passage charges will be relevant for the two local people and outsiders with understudy limits
  • additionally being advertised.
  • Both male and female dig guides are accessible for the visit.
  • The visit through the mine requires 90 minutes, and being happy with strolling shoes is suggested.
  • The climate in Khewra Mines is wonderful throughout the entire year, with the chambers being cool in the
  • late spring and warm in the colder time of year.
  • Photography is permitted inside, and it is prescribed to bring a camera that performs well in low lighting.
  • While there are little tuckshops and eating regions worked inside the mine, you ought to pack a few tidbits and a water
  • bottle for individual use.
  • On the off chance that you are venturing out a significant distance to arrive and don’t have any desire to head back that every day, you can book a night’s visit at the Khewra Salt Mines Traveler Resort run by the PMDC.

The construction of the Khewra Mines is very steady and offers an opportunity to investigate an alternate world underground,

so pack for a road trip to investigate the marvels of this traveler objective however much you might want. Remember to

bring back a salt light as a trinket. Besides the fact that mending properties yet, in addition, make extraordinary gifts

for friends and family!

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