Wazir Khan Mosque is the most beautifully enriched, seventeenth-century Mughal time mosque, which kept up with its place as the essential area of love in the old city.
It stands tall close to the Delhi entryway (Dehli Gate) of the walled city of Lahore, driving through a bustling marketplace,
where you can hear the blasting horns and objecting voices of occupied clients through the mosque’s dividers.
The point-by-point Islamic plan and design of the mosque return you to when Muslims administered over the subcontinent.
You will find confounded fine examples adorning the dividers – mosaic plan otherwise called Kashi Kari, fresco painting, engraved stones,
and block frame fresco (Taza Kari) that add to the mosque’s uniqueness.
We will return to Wazir Khan Mosque’s set of experiences and investigate the Islamic engineering and plan of the mosque. Peruse our blog
till the end and take a virtual visit through perhaps the biggest mosque in Lahore!
History of Mosque
This glorious mosque was planned around an old tomb of a Sufi Syed Mohammad Ishaq Gazrooni. He also is well known as Miran Badshah.
He moved from Iran in the thirteenth hundred years and had lived in Lahore during the time of the Turkish-Muslim Tughlaq dynasty.
Wazir Khan Mosque was essential for a bigger complex that incorporated a column of marketplaces where calligraphers and book
folios were used to fix heavenly books and paint Quranic verses.
Badshahi Mosque: History and Architecture
In any case, with time the Calligrapher’s marketplace broadened and there were different traders selling flavors and different things.
The profit from these business sectors was utilized for the mosque’s support. As of not long ago, you will find many shops around
the memorable mosque in Lahore, which is a trademark element of the Wazir Khan Mosque.
The development started in 1634. A.D. Just a short leave the Lahore Fort, the mosque holds extraordinary importance as the
Emperor Shahjehan used to offer his Friday prayers in Wazir Khan Mosque.
Strangely, Wazir Khan Masjid leads through a Royal Trail, which is a 1.6 km street from the Delhi Gate of the walled city of Lahore.
A Numer of Kings and Mughal Emperors passed through Delhi Gate to the Lahore Fort.
The Mughal-period mosque is rectangular, and measures around 282.7 x 165.4 feet, having four impressive minarets, which characterize
the sides of the fundamental yard. Allow us to talk about the plan for Wazir Khan Mosque in more detail.
Design and Structure of Mosque:

Like some other mosques, it has four minarets that mark the edges of an enormous patio, adding to its plushness and magnificence.
The plan of the Wazir Khan Mosque is generally regular to the Mughal period design and style, with blocks and tiles embellishing the dividers.
The entry to the mosque is through an enormous Aiwan that faces the Wazir Khan Chowk. Over the Aiwan is composed of the Islamic announcement of confidence.
The façade at the entry is embellished with expressions of the Prophet PBUH and verses from the Quran. There are five compartments delegated by an arch that opens onto a huge patio.
The focal corridor is the biggest supplication lobby, worked along with Persian building guidelines.
The huge vault is settling upon four curves, which spreads the word about a square structure – all the more regularly as Char Taq.
The underside of the vault is painted with complicatedly planned frescos portraying the Islamic portrayal of heaven.
One more reality about the Wazir Khan Mosque is that it was the first of its sort mosque in Lahore at that point. Afterward, many other mosques
followed a similar pattern including Badshahi Mosque.
The Wazir Khan Mosque has the best mosaic tile work of the relative multitude of mosques worked during the Mughal time frame.
The verses from the Holy Quran are shown as lovely works of calligraphy enhancing the dividers. You will likewise find botanical examples
and many-sided plans acquiring a feeling of harmony and otherworldliness.
The novel mix of calligraphy, mathematical shapes, Persian themes, and flower designs loans an unhindered dash of gaudiness and lavishness
to the structure.
How to Visit Wazir Khan Mosque Lahore?
It is easy to visit the Wazir Khan mosque by passing through Delhi Gate, Shahi Hammam (the famous public showers of Emperors),
and Lahore Fort.
You can either recruit a guide in the walled city of Lahore or on the other hand on the off chance that you are settling on an unguided visit,
you will find many sign sheets that will guide you to the mosque.
There is no specific fee for visiting this Masjid. Be that as it may, you could have to pay about PKR 20 for the watchman who keeps your shoes
outside the mosque.
When inside the mosque, you will feel an expanded feeling of otherworldliness. Watch history unfurl before your eyes and partake in all of this
vital excursion to this Masjid.