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Dai Anga Mosque Lahore: A neglected piece of history

Dai Anga Mosque Lahore: A neglected piece of history.

Dai Anga whose unique name Zebunnisa was all around regarded in the illustrious family.

Whenever we read or get to be familiar with the Mughal history, the name Dai Anga truly does run over yet have

you at any point delve into the subtleties of this significant character?

Indeed, here we are taking you to a neglected piece of engineering which was a mosque worked by Dai Anga, yet

before that, let me educate you a little regarding Dai Anga.

Dai Anga Mosque Lahore

Who Was Dai Anga?


Dai Anga was all around regarded in the imperial family and her unique name was Zeb-un-Nisa and was likewise

the wet medical attendant of the Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan.

Dai Anga Mosque Lahore
Dai Anga Mosque Lahore

As per notable references, it is said that her family was firmly associated with the Mughal Empire and had served

them for a very long time.

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Dai Anga’s significant other Murad Khan served Emperor Jahangir as Magistrate of Bikaner, and her child

Muhammad Rashid Khan was the best bowman in the Mughal realm. It is also said that Dai Anga’s child passed

on while battling with the help of Shah Jahan’s oldest child Dara Shikoh.

Dai Anga during her lifetime made a Mosque in Lahore and later her burial place was likewise implicit in Lahore

on the Grand Trunk Road which is otherwise called the Gulabi Bagh door.

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I’m astonished now and again that having such significance in Mughal History, the characteristics of Dai Anga are

neglected and the majority of us residing in Lahore have close to zero familiarity with these spots.

History of Mosque:

Dai Anga Mosque Lahore
Dai Anga Mosque Lahore


Sadly, the burial place of Dai Anga and the Mosque which are both in various areas, are not visited by a lot of people

as these are not traveler destinations nor are greatly featured, yet trust me these are works of art and one should visit

them to see the flavor of the craftsmen of those times.

Presently come to the mosque of Dai Anga which is supposed to be one of the city’s best-utilized mosques of that period.

This brilliant and grand mosque is situated in the Naulakha region, southeast of Lahore railroad station, which is probably

the most established station and has seen times of choppiness and quietness in Lahore.

The area of the mosque is of great significance and keeping in mind that meeting it you will see that it is extremely near

the Lahore Fort. To get to this mosque you should deal your way through heavy traffic around the area and on your way

you can get some information about the headings too.

A less difficult course could be from Nicholson Road from Qila Gujjar Singh Chowk, and going straight across Allama

Iqbal Road, passing the Presbyterian Church and Boharwala Chowk a thin street turning left can lead you to this mosque.

Location and Design:

Dai Anga Mosque Lahore
Dai Anga Mosque Lahore


This beautiful and great mosque is situated in the Naulakha region, southeast of Lahore Railway Station, which

is probably the most established station and has seen times of disturbance and peacefulness in Lahore. The area

of the mosque is vital

When you get to see this mosque you will be wonder staggered by the great and magnificent design of Dai Anga’s

Mosque. Although a ton of reclamation work and increases have been done on the structure making it seem to be a

design of the later Mughal period however the wonderful radiance of the construction can’t be disregarded.

Presently let me enlighten you a little concerning the glorious design of this mosque which still currently couldn’t be

featured as a place of interest or a show-stopper of the Mughal period.

As indicated by the modelers the plan of the Mosque depends on a solitary passageway three inlet plan structure

and the engineers consider it as a working state of the lavish Mosques that were built by the Mughals.

More astonishments are there for you the inside of the mosque, particularly the striking petitioning God chamber.

This request lobby is separated into three compartments and the focal part has especially rich enrichment this is

an example that we view in a significant number of the Mughal time Mosques.

The Architecture of the Mosque:

Dai Anga Mosque Lahore
Dai Anga Mosque Lahore


This part is delegated with a high vault and the side straights have twofold vaults. A comparative thing can be

seen in the Wazir Khan Mosque also, and to me, it appears to be comparable due to the varieties and calligraphy.

You will additionally see that the outside surface of the projection, as well as the flanking compartments, have

been isolated into various improving boards of different shapes, sizes, and plans and loaded up with fluoridating

designs made through mosaic Kashi Kari.

The predominant tones utilized in the tile work, here as well as on the inside boards, are blue, orange, and yellow

which are again seen in large numbers of the Mughal time Mosques particularly the ones during the

Shah Jahan period.

Further, you can see that the division of veneer into boards, adorned with stunning colorful tile mosaic, a much

cherished enlivening medium during Shah Jahan’s days, produces one of the most luxurious exteriors of that period.

You will see the comparable treatment in Wazir Khan Mosque too which is at the walled City‘s Delhi Gate.

The vaults, however, have articulated cavettos, suggestive of comparable treatment at the Moti Mosque of Lahore Fort.

The tall minarets ascending from a square base on the two front limits ended with booth-like designs having domes.

The foundation of the Mosque, when a portion of the Mosque’s yard, is cleared with flawlessly laid block flooring

partitioned into a basic square example.

Inside the yard in which the structure stands, a bathing tank has been found and follows exist of what might end up being

a subsequent tank.

svg%3EFrom history notes we get to realize that the Mosque was implicit 1635 AD before Dai Anga went to perform Hajj

and the engraving on the Mosque says that it was underlying 1649 AD. This is a practical mosque and the five petitions

to heaven are presented there.

In the same way as other Mughal time landmarks, this mosque additionally saw a few high points and low points after

the destruction of the Mughal Empire. It was changed over into a tactical stop by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

At the point when the British rule took over Henry Cope, the manager of the paper Lahore Chronicle’ involved it as home.

Notwithstanding, some other time when the region, once known as Mohallah Dai Anga and populated by Mughal

honorability was gained by the Punjab and Delhi Railway Henry Cope offered it to them for Rs 12,000, and they

changed it into the workplace of the traffic chief, Punjab Northern State Railway.

After Lord Curzon communicated his consternation at the shamed treatment of the mosque and numerous other Mughal

mosques, someplace in 1903 Dai Anga’s Mosque was sent back to the Muslims.

In the same way as other different landmarks lying deserted in Lahore, this piece of Mughal time is likewise slipping by

everyone’s notice for ages. There might have been a place of interest at this spot with prepared local escorts who could

portray the tales of the past to travelers and guests.

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